Mask “Giwoyo”/“Kiwoyo-Muyombo

Pende people, DR Congo, 1st half 20th c.

Wood, pigment, fiber

Ex–collection of Emmanuel Ameloot, Ghent, Belgium

15.5” h x 5” w x 4.75” d. (39.4 x 12.7 x 12.1 cm)



A beautiful example carved with remarkable sensitivity. Intended to be viewed in profile, it has been asserted by some authorities that masks of this type are stylized representations of coffined bodies. Pervaded by a strong aura of mystery, giwoyo masks are closely connected with the ancestors as well as hunting (Desaive and Laeremans 2009: 32).


Desaive, Jean-Marc, and Christine Laeremans. Pende: Collection J.M. Desaive Et Ch. \

Laeremans. Brussels: Verlag nicht ermittelbar, 2009.