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Caryatid Headrest

Luba people, Shankadi style, DR Congo, c. 1900–10

Carved wood

Ex–old Belgian collection

5.5” h x 4” w (13.97 x 10.16 cm)

Price: $4,500

The Luba are known for their complex, highly stylized coiffures—the preservation of which was the primary purpose of their caryatid headrests. Headrests also figured in divination rites, a practice apparently deriving from Songye country (Maret, Dery, and Murdoch 1973).



De Maret, Pierre, Nicole Dery, and Cathy Murdoch. “The Luba Shankadi Style.” African Arts 7,

no. 1 (1973): 8–15+88. Accessed July 27, 2020. doi:10.2307/3334743.

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