Large Beaded Apron.jpeg

Large Beaded Apron “Sireuw”

Cenderawasih (Geelvink) Bay, West Papua, Indonesia, c. 1900

Beads, fiber, and trade cloth (mounted on stretcher frame)

21½” h x 26½” (54.61 x 67.31 cm)



A beautiful and highly geometric example of a ceremonial dance apron donned by women of the Cenderawasih Bay region (Maxwell 1990: 64, fig. 87).


Maxwell, Robyn. Textiles of Southeast Asia Tradition, Trade and Transformation. Melbourne:

Oxford UP for the Australian National Gallery, 1990.

Neich, Roger, and Fulimalo. Pereira. Pacific Jewelry and Adornment from the Collections of

Auckland Museum. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2004.

Sosrowardoyo, Tara. Indonesian Art: Treasures of the National Museum, Jakarta. Hong Kong:

Periplus Editions (HK), 1998.

Stokmans, Michiel Elsevier., and René van der. Star. Ethnic Jewellery from Africa, Asia, and

Pacific Islands: the René Van Der Star Collection. Amsterdam: The Pepin Press, 2002.

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