Ear Spool.jpg

Rare Ear Spool “Ararede”

San Cristobal (Makira Island), Solomon Islands, d. 19th c.

Carved Shell, some chips on rim of reverse side ( see photo)

Ex–Dutch collection

1.5” d (3.81 cm)

Price: $650


This rare shell ear ornament is called an ararede. It is worn only at feasts, being otherwise replaced by wooden disks. Cf. Carlier (2002: 17, fig. 16), Force and Force (1971, no. 276703), and Neich and Pereira (2004: 105).


Carlier, Jean-Edouard. Regard Sur Les Îles Salomon. Paris: Voyageurs & Curieux, 2002.

Force, Roland W., Maryanne Force, and Alfred Walter Francis Fuller. The Fuller Collection

of Pacific Artifacts. London: Lund Humphries, 1971.

Neich, Roger, and Fulimalo Pereira. Pacific Jewelry and Adornment from the Collections of

Auckland Museum. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2004.
